
Monday, April 4, 2016


February vacation has come and gone. Parents are signing off on conference sheets and getting ready for a week of April Vacation.  As teachers, we are utilizing SO MANY strategies to use as the PARCC  (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers) testing approaches. What works for you? Can you share strategies that allow you to focus? What about reading challenging text? What suggestions can you share with the class? And then there is the writing. How do you organize your thoughts? Lists? Graphic organizers? I am a "REREADER." I have always needed to reread my material, sometimes two and three times before it sinks in. Even as an adult, I STILL reread.  It works the same for complicated movies. I can enjoy the movie for pleasure the first time, then I need to watch and listen to the dialogue, note the change in setting, and find the underlining meaning. Highlighting? I even watched the show "How It Is Made" because they were filming in a highlighter factory. What a great invention! Highlighters make the text POP and steer my eyes to what is important in the reading. As for writing, I make lists of words that may lift my writing. I try not to repeat the same words and I can be quite descriptive. I also need to look over my writing. If I write just ONCE I definitely need to revise. So......give us all a good response and some serious advice on taking a good test.  It is right around the corner......... Happy Spring!

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